

dunav ultra next level

30-31.8.2024 Vidin, Bulgaria


Starer pack - Adventure Box

The Dunav Ultra starter package contains physical products – accessories, instructions, and sportswear that will make you a direct participant in the cause of popularizing over 110 towns and villages along the Danube River and in Dobrudzha – all parts of the route.


Make full use of the months, preceding the adventure to prepare for it: inform yourself about the specifics of the challenge, train, gather information about the route and the region, as well as equip appropriately and make your mind ready for an unforgettable experience.


The annual Dunav Ultra promo event takes place in the town of Vidin. 150 cyclists from Bulgaria, Romania, and other countries gather in the city on the Danube to celebrate the cause. The evening before the start is reserved for a special VIP meeting with all participants, and the day after marks the beginning of the most exciting multi-day adventure in the country.


Depending on the category chosen, the journey along the route is either a personal or team challenge with a cause – the promotion of the populated places which the route passes through. In this way, the success of overcoming the distance adds real value to this exotic region. Your well-deserved reward is the satisfaction of the achievement and the special Dunav Ultra Certificate.



Spanning a remarkable 740 km, the Dunav Ultra proudly holds the title of being Bulgaria’s longest tourist bicycle route.

It is divided into 14 captivating stages, with some offering two passage options – the classic route boasting charm and the adventurous route fueling thrill-seekers. Complete details about both options and stages can be found within the Dunav Ultra mobile application.

To celebrate the route and showcase the towns and villages it traverses, an annual promotional event is held in Vidin followed by an awe-inspiring personal challenge – cycling the entire distance. Along the journey, participants will encounter various checkpoints known as ‘Control Points’ strategically placed in different populated areas along the route, allowing participants to validate their progress.

The number and locations of these checkpoints may change each year, adding a dynamic element to the overall distance covered by cyclists. Upon reaching the final destination in Durankulak village (Shabla municipality) and successfully verifying their passage through all control points, participants will be honored with a well-deserved Certificate.

*The adventure is entirely a self-organized journey on behalf and at the expense of the participants.


For official participation in the event, it is necessary to purchase the Starter Package – the Dunav Ultra Adventure Box set. The package includes physical products and materials – various accessories, instructions, and specially produced, original sportswear for the event.

It also includes a PASS for an exclusively organized VIP cocktail.

*The package is physically delivered 10 days before the announced date of the event. The delivery address is specified in the Registration Form.


The Dunav Ultra Challenge is the only mass event in Bulgaria in which the participants start with specially made sports clothes and accessories. The cycling Dunav Ultra Jersey is tied to the cause of promoting the region and is a recognizable distinctive accessory for local people in the settlements along the route.

All cyclists with 3 or more participations have the opportunity to have their names factory-printed on the cycling jersey.
Starting in 2024, Dunav Ultra offers the opportunity to participate in the cause by having a company logo to be factory-printed on the jersey. In this case, the price of the Starter Package is multiplied by three, and 100% of the profit is used for the production and installation of the Dunav Ultra Information Board in a sparsely populated area along the route.


Only individuals who have turned 18 years old and have purchased the Starter Package are allowed to participate in the official registration for the Dunav Ultra: Next Level event. If parents, who are official (registered) participants in the event, start the journey with their own children, the latter will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Following the successful purchase of the Starter Package, participants will receive an electronic link with a Registration Form to fill out. The Registration Form has to be filled out personally for production, personalization, and delivery of the set of personal accessories – the Dunav Ultra Adventure Box.

Those wishing to participate in the Team of 2 or Team of 4 categories can coordinate with each other in advance and declare themselves as a Team during the registration in Vidin.

The registration event in Vidin will take place on August 30, 2024, at a location that will be announced separately.

*To optimize logistics and costs, promote mutual assistance, and share experiences, Dunav Ultra encourages Team participation.


Control Points are promotional zones marked especially for popularizing specific locations along the route. They are organized in various spots with the assistance of partner municipalities.

Typically, Control Points are set up in central areas of the towns, but exceptions are possible. These points are marked with flags and/or tents featuring the logos or coats of arms of the municipalities and signs of the hosting place.

Participants aim to capture a photo passing through each Control Point, thus collecting a complete set of pictures from all specified locations. These photos are added to the Dujnav Ultra mobile application and are a necessary condition for receiving the Certificate.

*In case a Control Point is missed and there is no photo from the corresponding location, a Participation Diploma is issued instead of the Certificate.

This category has the highest number of participants.
•Cyclists aim to successfully cover the distance within 7 days after the start in Vidin.
•Participants in this category can join as Individuals, Teams of 2, or Teams of 4.
•Team participation is submitted during the registration process in Vidin.
•There are no restrictions on the use of technical or logistical supporting organizations, e.g., personal support vehicles in this category.
•To be successful in obtaining the Certificate, participants must validate their passage through all declared Control Points with their selfie photos. Every photo is added to the Dunav Ultra mobile application.
•Physical Certificates are issued in Durankulak on pre-announced dates (in this case, on the 7th day after the start).
•In case participants in this category fail to reach the final point within the specified category time frame, the Certificate is issued for the next consecutive category.
•Participants who reach the final point after the 7th day receive the Certificate only electronically.
•Team participation requires the challenge to be completed by all team members together. If a team member does not pass through all Control Points, the remaining participants receive a Participation Diploma instead of the Certificate.
•Participants who do not validate their passage through all Control Points with photos do not receive the Certificate; in this case, they receive a Participation Diploma.
*Dunav Ultra recommends a general physical examination and medical insurance. For participation in this category, participants sign a liability waiver during registration.
This is the second-largest category of participation.
•Cyclists aim to successfully cover the distance within 5 days after the start in Vidin.
•Participants in this category can join as Individuals, Teams of 2, or Teams of 4.
•Team participation is registered during the registration process in Vidin.
•There are no restrictions on the use of technical or logistical supporting organizations, e.g., personal support vehicles in this category.
•To be successful in obtaining the Certificate, participants must validate their passage through all declared Control Points with their selfie photos. Every photo is added to the Dunav Ultra mobile application.
•Physical Certificates are issued in Durankulak on pre-announced dates (in this case, on the 5th and 7th day after the start).
•In case participants in this category fail to reach the final point within the specified category time frame, the Certificate is issued for the next consecutive category.
•Participants who reach the final point after the 7th day receive the Certificate only electronically.
•Team participation requires the challenge to be completed by all team members together. If a team member does not pass through all Control Points, the remaining participants receive a Participation Diploma instead of the Certificate.
•Participants who do not validate their passage through all Control Points with photos do not receive the Certificate; in this case, they receive a Participation Diploma.
*Dunav Ultra recommends a general physical examination and medical insurance. For participation in this category, participants sign a liability waiver during registration.
Only super-athletes start in this category, and the movement of cyclists is tracked with GPS devices.
  • Cyclists in this category can register for participation as Individuals, Teams of 2, Teams of 4.
  • All individual participants start with GPS transmitters. For teams, the transmitter is worn by the Team Captain. Renting the devices is an additional fee, for which information will be provided separately.
  • All participants must pass through pre-designated locations – Control Points located in different settlements along the route.
  • All participants validate their passage through a Control Point with a photo. All photos are added to the Dunav Ultra mobile application or provided for review by an authorized person in Durankulak.
IMPORTANT! All participants must make at least one long stop of 4:00:00 hours within the first 24 hours after the start. This means that the stop should be planned no later than 20 hours after the start.
*This category requires in-depth physical and mental preparation. Danube Ultra recommends a general physical examination and mandatory medical insurance. For participation in this category, participants sign a liability waiver during registration.
Starting from 2024, this category introduces two subcategories: “with support” and “without support.”
With support: Participants/teams can use full external logistical support, including their support vehicle, spare bicycles, spare parts, food, luggage transport, etc. Up to two “pacemakers” – cyclists who can assist in maintaining the pace, are allowed. Each pacemaker can participate only within the period before or after the long 4-hour stop. It is not allowed for the same pacemaker to cycle both before and after the stop.

Without support: Participants/teams start without organized logistical support, meaning they cannot use a support vehicle, spare bicycles, external luggage transport, and “pacemakers” are not allowed.

All participants in this category start together at least one hour before the mass start of the participants in the event. Cyclists who will cover the route “without support” should ride in a group up to 30 minutes after the start.

Subsequently, participants “without support” should split and ride individually, i.e., without forming a group, unless they are registered in a Team of 2 or a Team of 4 disciplines (group cycling is defined as two or more cyclists riding together).

Cyclists who register “with support” can ride in a group with other cyclists from the same subcategory.

*Participants “with support” and “without support” are marked on the live GPS tracking map.
  • All participants/teams reaching the final point of the route within 48 hours and meeting the specified conditions receive a certificate. The certificate is marked as “Completed Within 48 hours.”
  • Participants who do not manage to reach the final point within 48 hours but have met the specified conditions and successfully finish receive a certificate in the next category – “Within 5 days.” The certificate is marked as “Completed Within 5 days.”
  • Participants who successfully finish but have not met the specified conditions do not receive a certificate. In this case, they receive a Participation Diploma.
  • Only participants/teams who have reached the final point in one of the two sub-disciplines, “with support” or “without support,” in the fastest time are eligible to have their time recorded on the certificate. This can be only one of the three options: Individual participant, Team of 2, or Team of 4.
  • If a participant/team that achieved the fastest time has missed passing through a Control Point, the time is not considered valid, and no certificate is issued. In this case, the next participant/team that correctly fulfills the conditions is recognized for the fastest time in that edition. The participant or team making the omission receives a Participation Diploma.
*A complete GPS record of the cycling remains visible for public access and review on the platform providing the service.
The Dunav Ultra route is not a competition, and there is no ranking or prize fund. It is a personal challenge and a campaign to popularize over 110 locations along the Dunav Ultra route. Fair play is part of the cause!
During registration, all participants in the “Within 48 hours” category sign a “Fair Play Declaration.” With their signature, participants guarantee that they will adhere to the specified conditions.
Dunav Ultra does not take any responsibility for monitoring the fulfillment of the conditions other than providing a GPS tracking service and an authorized person to remotely monitor the service’s functioning. The signed “Fair Play Declaration” and the presumption of fair play by the participants serve as a guarantee of condition fulfillment.
*In the event of clear evidence presented by participants or a third party that fair play has been intentionally violated to influence the result, Dunav Ultra reserves the right to review the participation of the specified participant/team and make an informed decision not to issue a certificate.
The challenge is to successfully cover the route within 10 days.
  • Participants in this category do not carry GPS transmitters.
  • The use of personal support vehicles as well as full technical or logistical support organizations is allowed.
  • To be issued a successful Certificate, participants must validate their passage through all declared Control Points with their selfie photos. Every photo is added to the Danube Ultra mobile application.
  • Participants who reach the final point in more than 7 days receive their Certificates only receive an electronic Certificate. (by email)
  • Participants who do not submit photos from all Control Points do not receive the Certificate; in this case, they receive a Participation Diploma.
*Dunav Ultra recommends a general physical examination and medical insurance. For participation in this category, participants sign a liability waiver during registration.

The cause of the event and the Dunav Ultra journey is to popularize over 110 locations along the Danube River and Dobrudzha, through which the route passes.


Participants list

1. Kristian Mladenov (Bulgaria)
2. Georgi Raev (Bulgaria)
3. Svetoslav Koichev (Bulgaria)
4. Ivan Dimitrov (Bulgaria)
5. Tzvetan Tzanev (Bulgaria)
6. Petyo Nikolov (Bulgaria)
7. Victor Kovachev (Bulgaria)
8. Emilian Nedyalkov (Bulgaria)
9. Borislav Bogdanov (Bulgaria)
10. Yavor Yakovliev (Bulgaria)
11. Dragomir Radulov (Bulgaria)
12. Panait Dorel (Romania)
13. Ana Stefan Bogdan (Romania)
14. Мirchea Zainea (Romania)
15. Nedko Hristov (Bulgaria)
16. Cosmin Bobosea (Romania)
17. Stefan Zlatkov (Bulgaria)
18. Luchian Chira (Romania)
19. Radu Matei (Romania)
20. Bogdan Stefan (Romania)
21. Mihai Persinaru (Romania)
22. Evelin Evlogiev (Bulgaria)
23. Bogdan Grigoras (Romania)
24. Iulian Ene (dns) (Romania)
25. Carolin Radulescu (dns) (Romania)
26. Radu Retezeanu (Romania)
27. Laurentiu Apostolescu (Romania)
28. Martin Gekov (Bulgaria)
29. Constantin Cristian Ioan (Romania)
30. Filip Puicea (Romania)
31. Oana Mihaela Trif (Romania)
32. Tiberiu Silviu Savu (Romania)
33. Plamen Kornazov (Bulgaria)
34. Sorin Glonteanu (Romania)
35. Cristian Manaila (Romania)
36. Irina Vele (Romania)
37. Sorin Dragomir (Romania)
38. Lachezar Mitkov (dns) (Bulgaria)
39. Daniela Vasileva (Bulgaria)
40. Mariela Vasileva (Bulgaria)
41. Daniel Dimitrov (Bulgaria)
42. Nona Trifonova* (Bulgaria)
43. Eleonora Ivanova (Bulgaria)
44. Аsen Dermendzhiev (Bulgaria)
45. Angel Bonev (dns) (Bulgaria)
46. Katerina Dotseva (Bulgaria)
47. Georgi Hristonov (Bulgaria)
48. Florin Chiritescu (Romania)
49. Radu Spiroiu (Romania)
50. Ilie Pleșculesei (Romania)
51. Denisa Diaconu (Romania)
52. Daniel Florea (Romania)
53. Marius Togan (Romania)
54. MIhaela Adriana Stefanescu (Romania)
55. Ionela Voroneanu (Romania)
56. Nigel Morgan (United Kingdom)
57. Alina Hritcu (Romania)
58. Marana Komitska (Bulgaria)
59. Alexander Parvanov (Bulgaria)
60. Lazar Menov (Bulgaria)
61. Stoyan Mishkov (Bulgaria)
62. Milen Shishmanov (Bulgaria)
63. Maria Horozova (Bulgaria)
64. Antoaneta Momchilova (Bulgaria)
65. Vasil Ivanov (Bulgaria)
66. Mihai Cimpeanu (Romania)
67. Stefan Pashov (Bulgaria)
68. Ivan Nachkov (dns) (Bulgaria)
69. Genadiy Vorobyov (Bulgaria)
70. Danut Puricescu (Romania)
71. Toshko Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)
72. Dmytro Serhiiev (Ukraine)
73. Vladimir Lazov (Bulgaria)
74. Ilian Iliev (Bulgaria)
75. Plamen Nankov (Bulgaria)
76. Bozhidar Hristov (Bulgaria)
77. David Garland (USA)
78. Boil Marinov (Bulgaria)
79. Denislav Velkov (Bulgaria)
80. Stanislav Chuvitev (Bulgaria)
81. Petar Lipovanov (Bulgaria)
82. Kalina Kamenova (Bulgaria)
83. Dilian Dimov (Bulgaria)
84. Dmytro Bocharov (Ukraine)
85. Viorel Dobre (Romania)
86. Аlexander Panayotov (Bulgaria)
87. Petar Deanov (Bulgaria)
88. Veselin Valov (Bulgaria)
89. Tzetomir Gyurov (Bulgaria)
90. Antony Lozanov (Bulgaria)
91. Iliya Trendafilov (Bulgaria)
92. Nikolai Sabev (Bulgaria)
93. Eduard Dubatolkin (Ukraine)
94. Dimitar Dinchev (Bulgaria)

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