In the Republic of Bulgaria, 11 nature parks are officially designated, with the Dunav Ultra route passing through or near two of them – Persina Nature Park and Rusenski Lom Nature Park. However, the former remains the only protected area of its kind, classified as a “nature park,” along the Danube River in Bulgaria, making it a unique natural landmark in the country.
Persina Nature Park is a unique nature reserve located along the Bulgarian part of the Danube River.
The aquatic territory includes the Nikopol Island Group and the Belene Islands Complex. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
The significance of the territory and its protection as part of the European ecological network NATURA 2000 are key factors in preserving the rich biodiversity of the region, particularly along the Danube River in Bulgaria as a whole.
Sunset in Persina Nature Park. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
When describing Persina as a park, it is important not to apply the familiar urban concepts associated with such areas. Here, you won’t find paved paths with benches, popcorn carts, or cotton candy. The territory is wild, preserved as much as possible in its natural state, and boasts exceptionally rich biodiversity—a unique home to microorganisms, invertebrates, plants, amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, and mammals.
View of Magaretsa Island. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
The park’s ruler—the white-tailed eagle. (Photo: Svilen Chesmedzhiev, BSPB)
Nikopol Plateau. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
Various amphibians, reptiles, and fish further enrich this microcosm, which exists in symbiosis and mutual dependence. Naturally, birds are the park’s greatest attraction and treasure, with over 230 species recorded.
Nests of sand martins. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
The birdlife includes species that are both widely recognized and globally endangered, such as the red-breasted goose, lesser white-fronted goose, greater spotted eagle, and ferruginous duck, among others.
The jungles of the Danube—wild and beautiful. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
Within the park’s perimeter and on its islands, various species nest, including herons, glossy ibises, spoonbills, great and pygmy cormorants, terns, and the black stork. Among the major attractions are several pairs of white-tailed eagles. One of the park’s symbols is the Dalmatian pelican, which has been nesting in the area since 2016.
Red-necked grebe. (Photo: Svilen Chesmedzhiev, BSPB)
The park is a tourist attraction primarily as one of the most fascinating ornithological sites in Bulgaria. It also offers unique boat trips in fishing vessels, which are popular in the Nikopol and Belene areas. These excursions include crossing the river and stopping at a wild Danube island, providing an extraordinary experience and attraction, especially in today’s “digital” era.
Cycling adventure with an e-bike near the HTK locality. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
Dalmatian pelicans. (Photo: Svilen Chesmedzhiev, BSPB)
Deep within the island, about 6 kilometers inland, are the remnants of the former Belene labor camp and buildings used during the so-called “Revival Process”—one” of the darkest periods in Bulgaria’s modern history.
Zone Memorial 2nd Site – The camp. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
Today, Persin Island metaphorically embodies a unique “coexistence” of a functioning prison, a carefully maintained environment with exceptional biodiversity, and a memorial dedicated to the victims of communism—the 2nd Site Memorial.
Map of the unique cycling adventure “Persina By Bike” Belene–Nikopol–Belene. (Photo: Dunav Ultra)
Access to Persin Island is controlled, but it remains open for group visits, including guided birdwatching tours and excursions to the memorial. Each year, several thousand people visit this unique destination.
The areas around Nikopol and Belene offer exciting opportunities for cycling adventures, such as exploring the Nikopol Plateau, the Rock Church area, the HTK locality, the “Kaikusha” protected area, and more. Since 2023, the “Persina on a Bicycle” multi-adventure weekend has been organized. This event features a 55-kilometer recreational cycling tour combined with various activities, including boat trips with local fishermen, kayaking, birdwatching, and more.
Persina Nature Park is part of the representative selection of the 100 Dunav Ultra Highlights, showcasing the identity of our route. See the list of all 100 Dunav Ultra Highlights HERE.